- Go Surfing by September 1
- Break a 6-minute mile by June 1
- Run at least 500 miles between January 1 and December 31
- Create one new source of secondary income by September 1
- Sell or donate contents of five boxes in my attic by April 1
- Have walls framed and electrical done in attic by December 31
- Start learning Japanese. Basic conversational skills by June 1
- Submit an article for publication in a martial arts magazine by November 1
- Start and maintain a martial arts blog. 100 subscribers by June 1; 500 by December 31
- Begin microlending through Kiva. Make a donation every month.
- Create a community of martial artists to practice with/teach. Have at least six regulars by June 1
- Volunteer (reading program, animal shelter, or Habitat). 24 hours by December 31.