- Train for D2R2 Ride in W. Mass at the end of August. Ride is 115K of mostly dirt road riding. Lots of hills.
- Learn how to swim better, for distance. By end of summer. Cross Walden.
- Bike trip to Pinar del Rio, Cuba. 1-2 Weeks.
- Reduce eating out to 1-2 nights a week. Cook more.
- Join Rock Climbing Gym.
- Get job in NYC. End of Spring.
- Learn professional budgeting skills.
- Learn HTML.
- Investigate Entrepreneurial option more seriously. (Tips from Team Impact Welcome.)
- Start learning Portuguese. Basic conversational skills by Sept. 30.
- Improve bike maintenance skill. Take a class/classes on bike maintenance.
- Read Don Quixote in Spanish.
- Take a cooking class. Mexican.
- Bring bag full of bike supplies to Cuba.
- Save %1 of every paycheck. Donate $ at 2x a year.